Sunday, February 17

DI- How I Am Using It in Workshops

My last post about differentiated instruction was a little dry as it was filled with research, but here is the good stuff. What you really want to know.

During the training, my co-teacher and I cooked up this newly adjusted structure for our reading and math workshops. I swear someday she should have a blog too. She is way more tech savvy than me. She is the one who actually turned our creation into something presentable for everyone else.

Our reading one was based on Daily 5. With the new changes it is becoming Daily 5 with a twist. It is also a mix of the strategies (Tic-Tac-Toe) and research we learned. Each color is a center. At each center students have three choices- one activity for each intelligence - Analytic, Practical and Creative. More on the types of intelligences here.

Students check off what activity they do in the little box at the bottom right hand corner. They need to make at least a diagonal row by the end of the week- meaning they did at least one activity from each type of intelligence. So far we have had some students do more than one activity at each center. Basically with their choices they get to make a tic-tac-toe with their sheet.

Since we also learned self-grading is so important to student achievement we decided to work it into as well. On the back of their workshop chart students have a list of "I can" statements including an "I can" for behavior.

At the end of the week, students fill out based on smiley faces where they feel they are in abilities. I understand that with 2nd graders this is hard. Many probably think the right thing to do is say yeah they get it and fill in the smiley face, but at least we are starting to get them to think about what and how they are doing in class.

Here is how it looks for our upcoming short week.

You can grab a copy of our blank organizer by clicking on the pictures. 
For those of you who have the day off tomorrow enjoy!!

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