Tuesday, January 1

Ringing in the New Year Currently

I love when it is Currently Time!!! So here I start 2013 off right with January's currently. 

Since I can remember January 1st has meant watching football and more football. This year my football watching time is limited so I am getting in as much as I can. 

Seriously we got hit with the Winter Storm, Draco (and when did they start naming storms?) but it was perfect as it turned everything into a winter wonderland perfect to spend Winter Break skiing and sledding and hiking in the woods. Not to mention the extra day and a half break the storm created. 

Thinking- I know I not the only one thinking this...

Needing- I need to blog more I have ideas and just have a hard time getting it all on here the way I want it. 

OLW- Positive. I need more positive thoughts in all areas. Things are not as bad as a I make them seem. I have a project to help me with this that I will be sharing soon. 


  1. Hi Jessica, I'm thinking the same thing as you! I love teaching and my students at school but I also love my time at home with my two sweet sons!

    I hope that you have a great first day back!

  2. I would love a perfect winter scene. NC has been rainy :(
    I hope your first day back is not too painful.
    My Second Sense

  3. Hi Jessica - Do you know I have never skied? I don't even think I know how to spell the word right much less do it? LOL Hope your first day is great, I know your kiddos will be so happy to see you. Happy New Year! xoxo
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After
